First Mountain Marathon Experience
To master your first mountain marathon or ultra-trail, is for many runners, a big dream. But going from dream to reality, will of course require lots of dedication, and consistency in terms of training and race preparations.
Ildar Islamgazin is a passionate trail runner from Belgium, who started to train with us in September last season.
Last weekend he was running his first Mountain Marathon race. The Maxi race Marathon Experience, which is 44 km long and 2500 m uphill, really hilly, next to the beautiful Annecy Lake, in the French alps.
He, did it very well, and below you can read the interview we did with him about his race experience and race preps…

Your expectations for the race?
Honestly saying I’m not sure what I was expecting. I had in mind that it wouldn’t be easy, and it will be a long event. I wasn’t afraid about running for several hours and I already knew that mountain races sometimes about walking and climbing. I must say the whole race was more complicated than I expected.
Your preparations for the race?
The preparations for the race started in Autumn last year, and during the winter we have finalized the plans for the events and registrations.
I’ve been running round 3-4 times per week, with 1 strength strength training session. Sometimes I replaced the running trainings with Zwift trainer.
How did you tackle the race physically? Did all body function well? Any pain or problems?
The preparations for the race started in Autumn last year, and during the winter we have finalized the plans for the events and registrations.
I’ve been running round 3-4 times per week, with 1 strength training session. Sometimes I replaced the running trainings with Zwift trainer.
My body tackeled the race very well, and I had no pain or major problems. When it comes to basic strength and physical capasity I think that I was very well prepared.
How did your nutrition plan work out during race? Did you have good energy all the race, feeling well?
Nutrition was good. I have prepared in advance all the items I needed. So even if there were a small number of refreshment points, and only one with food, it wasn’t a problem. I was well prepared with gels, and isotonic salt tablets, to be added to the water.
How were your feelings during the race?
It is a very unusual experience; at some points I was feeling tired. But I guess that’s the purpose of the long runs, to overcome yourself, and let a strong mind be in control over a tired body.
How were your feelings after the race?
In the last kilometers I was thinking what to do with my other planned events. Maybe I should cancel it?
But, two or three days later when checking the time and my position, I was positive surprised. Then I realized that despite some pacing issues starting too fast, I had done a very good job. And the most important. I can do it better.
So now I am looking forward to test myself in July at the Belgian Chouffe Trail where I would like to challenge a 50 km distance. And in the end of the season, I plan to challenge myself on the SantéLyon on 44 km distance.

Did your race experience fulfil your expectations?
That’s something which I have realized only the week after. Yes, I am happy with it. It has helped me to get more confidence in myself and in my training process. I now understand much better where I should focus.
And, I have almost forgot saying that ultra trails were my sport dream when I have just started running. After my first marathon I was looking to run an ultra. So, I have achieved it only now. And now I am really prepared.
To finish my small story, I need to thank my coach David Garcia and Arduua team. I couldn’t do it without you! I am not the best athlete in terms of plan – I have regular family issues, not doing training as it was planned etc. But I am happy it all has ended in the best way. And for sure – more to come!
Thank you very much Ildar for sharing your experience with us!
You did a great job on the race and with all the preparations.
Good luck with your next race!
/Katinka Nyberg, CEO/Founder Arduua
Learn more…
In this article Conquer the Mountains, you can read more about how to train for a mountain marathon or ultra-trail.
If you are interested in Arduua Coaching, getting some help with your training, please read more at our webpage or contact for more info or questions.