29 May 2024

Launching Mentor Coaching by Arduua!

This service is designed for experienced trail runners who enjoy running free yet prefer to plan and execute their training independently while seeking strategic guidance from a professional coach.

Ideal candidates are those who have completed at least one season of the Arduua Coaching program.

Mentor Coaching

€50 / month

Service Overview:
In the Mentor Coaching service, you will receive personalized strategic guidance from an Arduua professional coach who will support you throughout your training journey. Unlike the other personal coaching plans, this service allows you to manage all the details of your training yourself, planning your own training in TrainingPeaks based on the overall guidelines provided by your coach.

The focus of this service is to empower you to manage and plan your own training in a longer perspective with strategic input from a professional coach, by building a long-lasting relationship with your coach and maximizing the value of video meetings. During these meetings, you will review your previous training phase and go through the upcoming phase, discussing what to train, why, and how much. Key elements such as running video analysis and race reviews will also be covered in these meetings.

Goals of the Service:
1.) To empower you to manage and plan your own training with strategic input from a professional coach.

2.) Reach peak form on race day by implementing periodization and different phases of training in your training plan, while minimizing interference with your personal lifestyle.

3.) Ensure a long-lasting trail running career and continuous improvement in your trail running by fostering a strong, long-term relationship with your coach.


  1. Review of customer profile (including health declaration, training status, goals, ambitions, and planned races)
  2. Review of running threshold test
  3. Running analysis from video
  4. Periodization and overall guidance for upcoming training phases
  5. Initial video meeting (45 minutes)


  1. 30-minute video meeting between each training phase (in average every 6 weeks)
  2. Follow-up on the previous training phase
  3. Race reviews (up to 3 A-races per year)
  4. Overall guidance for the upcoming training phase


  1. Planning of trainings in TrainingPeaks
  2. Reading and responding to comments on trainings in Trainingpeaks


  1. Fill out the customer profile form, including health declaration, training status, goals, ambitions, and planned races.
  2. Complete a running threshold test.
  3. Submit a running video for analysis.
  4. Receive overall guidance for the upcoming training phases.
  5. Participate in a 45-minute initial video meeting to discuss your profile, test results, and video analysis.


In between each training phase (in average every 6 weeks), participate in a 30-minute video meeting with your coach to:

  1. Review the previous training phase.
  2. Go through the upcoming training phase.
  3. Conduct race reviews (for up to 3 A-races per year).
  4. Receive overall guidance on training strategies, periodization, and phase transitions.


  1. You need to have good knowledge of running and different types of running sessions, such as Easy Run, Tempo, VO2 Max training, Threshold training, Blocks, Intervals, etc.
  2. You need to have good knowledge of Strength Training, Mobility, and Stretching for Runners.
  3. You need to use the TrainingPeaks App.
  4. You need a training watch compatible with TrainingPeaks and a chest band for external pulse measurement.
  5. You need to add all your trainings in TrainingPeaks and provide informative titles for each training, such as “Easy trail zone 1-2,” “VO2-max training,” “Tempo Trail,” “Basic Strength with load,” etc. This is important as the coach will only read the titles to get the big picture of your completed training.

Mentor Coaching – Sign Up >>

Get in touch with Arduua Coaching!

If you are interested in Arduua Coaching and seeking assistance with your training, please visit our webpage for additional information. For any inquiries or questions, feel free to reach out to Katinka Nyberg at katinka.nyberg@arduua.com.

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