My Mountain Marathon Training Online Program – Week 11
It’s been very hot and very hard here at Cyprus, but I can see that the results are coming.
My training program is evolving, and the paces are getting longer now. It’s very hot here at Cyprus (about 35 degrees) and I have been running with extreme high pulse all week because of the heat.
The training method with lots of low pulse running + some very high pulse running + strength training + stretch is working very well for me and my VO2 max is getting better and better.
If you like to see the whole training program from week 1 start here.
My Mountain Marathon Training Online Program – Week 1
This is week 11 of my online training with Fernando…

Training week 11
10 July – 16 July…
Rest day
Easy Running 30 min + 15 min in progression from zone 2 to 5
Total time: 45 minutes
Strength training
Cuadriceps down with the knees + lateral plank
Total time: 10 min
Legs running circuit
- Burpees
- Jump lunges
- Knee up
- Sumo squats
- Walking lunges
- Raised reversed lunges
- Jump squat
Running 30-40 seconds between every exercise. Do one or two laps to the circuit, according to your feelings. Rest 2 or 3 minutes between laps
Total time: 20 min
Long run
Total time: 1 hour 30 min
Total time: 20 min
Easy run
Total time: 40 min
Total time: 16 min
Functional strength training
Glutes exersises, Core exersises, Scapula exercices, one leg balance squat, hips Mobility, chest stretch, etc…
Total time: 1 hour
Rest day. Travelling back to Sweden.
Summary of the week
About 5 hours effective training time this week. It’s been very hot and I’ve been running in my highest pulse zones, but it has been a good week.
Fernandos pulse training methods is forsure starting to bring in some results. My watch measured a new VO2 max.
Check out week 12…
Happy SkyRunning!
Name: Katinka Nyberg
Nationality: Swedish
Age: 45
Family: My husband Fredrik and my twins Tom & Matilda 8 years
Country/town: Stockholm, Sweden
Your team or sponsor now: SkyRunner
Occupation: Founder SkyRunner
Background: Entrepreneur in IT
Education: Backelor of science, IT
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