19 September 2024

How a Trail Race Review with Arduua Coach Works

At Arduua, the journey doesn’t end when the race finishes; it’s just the beginning of a new learning cycle.

After every race, athletes submit a detailed race report through the TrainingPeaks app, covering aspects such as intensity, nutrition, and overall experience. This report forms the basis for a comprehensive Race Review, where the coach and athlete delve into the data, discuss performance, and identify areas for improvement.

Race Review with Katinka Nyberg: Trail Valle de Tena

Katinka Nyberg, Trail Valle de Tena

Race Review with Katinka Nyberg: Trail Valle de Tena

Recently, Arduua founder Katinka Nyberg completed the challenging Trail Valle de Tena in the Spanish Pyrenees. This demanding race spans 45 km with 3,600 meters of elevation gain, traversing rugged alpine terrain and reaching the summit of Pico Garmo Negro, which stands over 3,000 meters high. After the race, Katinka and her coach, David Garcia, conducted an extended Race Review via video meeting to analyze her performance in depth.

“It was a fantastic race experience,” Katinka shared. “I enjoyed every moment in the beautiful Tena Valley. It’s a privilege to spend 12 hours in such stunning mountains, even though I ended up with severe muscle soreness. My quads were burning for days!”

Step-by-Step: The Race Review Process

Pre-Race Preparation: Setting the Strategy

Before the race, David and Katinka discussed a detailed race strategy. They focused on key areas such as:

  • Intensity Levels:
    They planned a conservative start with controlled pacing, targeting Zone 2 for the uphills and keeping intensity steady on the flats and downhills.
  • Nutrition Plan:
    The nutrition strategy aimed for a steady intake of carbohydrates, targeting 60 grams per hour. David recommended a mix of isotonic sports drinks, gels, and solid foods like sandwiches to keep energy levels stable.
  • Equipment and Gear:
    Katinka’s equipment was carefully selected to suit the rocky terrain and high altitude.

Post-Race Report in TrainingPeaks: Breaking Down the Data

After crossing the finish line in 12 hours and 20 minutes—beating her previous time by nearly two hours—Katinka uploaded her race data and feedback into TrainingPeaks. Here’s a breakdown of her performance in each segment:

Part 1 – Start: Balneario de Panticosa to Refugio de Bachimaña via Pico Garmo Negro

The race began at Balneario de Panticosa, and Katinka made her way up to the first major climb—Pico Garmo Negro, reaching 3,051 meters of altitude at 5.5 km. This steep ascent was a true test of endurance right from the start. Katinka reached the peak in 2 hours and 20 minutes, maintaining a steady pace. The descent to Refugio de Bachimaña at 11 km was challenging due to technical terrain, where Katinka experienced a fall.


  • 2 isotonic sports drinks (120g CH)
  • 2 gels (60g CH)
  • Total: 180g of carbohydrates

Coach’s Feedback:
David suggested adding one more gel to maintain 60g of carbohydrates per hour, which would have supported a steadier energy level. He noted that Katinka’s pacing was well managed, with consistent vertical speed throughout the climb. Despite the challenging descent, she maintained good energy levels and controlled her intensity, which is crucial in such a demanding race.

Part 2 – Bachimaña to Refugio de Respomuso via Collado Tebarray

This segment involved a steady climb from Bachimaña to Collado Tebarray at 2,765 meters of altitude, followed by a descent to Refugio de Respomuso at 20.5 km. Katinka handled this segment well, managing her energy and taking strategic nutrition breaks.


  • 2 ham and cheese sandwiches (~600 kcal) at Bachimaña
  • 2 gels (60g CH)

Coach’s Feedback:
David highlighted that while the carbohydrate intake was on the lower side (around 40g CH per hour), it was adequate given the long downhill section. He recommended adding something solid like fruit or a banana to reach the ideal 60g CH per hour for better energy maintenance. He emphasized the importance of balancing solid and liquid carbohydrates to avoid gastrointestinal issues.

Part 3 – Refugio de Respomuso to Sallent de Gállego via Collado de Musales

After refueling at Respomuso, Katinka tackled the climb to Collado de Musales (2,569 meters) at 24.5 km. This was followed by a long descent to Sallent de Gállego at 32 km. The cumulative fatigue was beginning to set in, but Katinka maintained her composure and pace.


  • 2 ham and cheese sandwiches (~600 kcal) at Respomuso
  • 1 isotonic sports drink (60g CH)
  • 2 gels (60g CH)

Coach’s Feedback:
David praised Katinka’s steady pacing and nutrition intake during this segment. He suggested incorporating caffeine pills or gels with caffeine at regular intervals (every 2–2.5 hours) to combat fatigue and enhance focus. Caffeine reduces perceived exertion and aids in fat metabolism, making it an essential tool for long endurance events.

Part 4 – Sallent de Gállego to Panticosa via Mirador de Sierra Plana

The final major climb was from Sallent de Gállego to Mirador de Sierra Plana at 1,860 meters, covering a distance of 36.5 km. This segment was particularly challenging as Katinka’s energy reserves were depleting and her quads were burning from the relentless climbs.


  • 1 isotonic sports drink (60g CH)
  • 2 gels (60g CH)
  • 50 cl of Coke at the refreshment point

Coach’s Feedback:
David recommended using a caffeine pill or gel at the start of this climb to reduce fatigue and maintain energy levels. An additional gel at the end of this segment would have provided extra energy for the final push. Managing nutrition between refreshment points rather than between summits would have given better control over carbohydrate intake and energy levels.

Part 5 – Mirador de Sierra Plana to Panticosa (Finish Line)

The final stretch was a descent from Mirador de Sierra Plana to the finish line in Panticosa at 45 km. Despite the fatigue, Katinka pushed hard, and the support from her Arduua teammates cheering her on made for an emotional and unforgettable finish.

Nutrition Summary:

  • Gels: 8 * 30g = 240g
  • Sports drinks: 4 * 60g = 240g
  • Sandwiches: 4 * 300 kcal = 1200 kcal
  • Total Calories: 1800 kcal

Coach’s Feedback:
David emphasized the importance of maintaining carbohydrate intake even in the final stages of the race. A final gel would have helped sustain energy and aided recovery by preventing complete glycogen depletion. He also suggested using caffeine strategically throughout the race to reduce the perception of fatigue and improve performance in the later stages.

Extended Race Review: Video Meeting

Katinka and David connected for a detailed video review, meticulously analyzing every aspect of the race. They used TrainingPeaks to study various performance metrics, including vertical speed, heart rate, and nutrition intake. This comprehensive discussion was crucial for identifying areas of improvement and setting new goals for future races.

David emphasized the importance of maintaining a steady carbohydrate intake between refreshment points to ensure consistent energy levels throughout the race. He also recommended practicing technical descents to enhance efficiency and reduce energy expenditure on challenging terrains. The goal is not only to maintain physical endurance but also to optimize energy conservation during demanding sections of the race.

Heart Rate Analysis:
In the graph below, you can observe Katinka’s heart rate (represented by the red line), which remained relatively steady throughout the race, demonstrating her controlled intensity. Considering that Katinka is an amateur runner, maintaining such a consistent heart rate is commendable. For elite athletes, the objective is to sustain an even more stable and higher heart rate, which reflects optimal energy management and endurance capacity.

This in-depth review allowed Katinka to gain valuable insights into her performance, particularly in managing intensity and energy expenditure across different segments of the race. Such reviews are essential for athletes to fine-tune their strategies and improve their performance in future competitions.

Key Learnings and Next Steps

The Race Review is more than just a performance analysis; it’s an opportunity to grow as an athlete. Here are some of the insights gained from Katinka’s race:

  • Improving Technical Skills:
    Focusing on agility and technical descents will be crucial for future races with challenging terrain.
  • Optimizing Nutrition:
    Aiming for 60g of carbohydrates per hour consistently, including solid foods, will help maintain energy levels. Monitoring nutrition between refreshment points, rather than between summits, provides better energy balance.
  • Caffeine Use:
    Strategic caffeine intake can significantly reduce fatigue and improve focus during long, grueling races. Using it every 2–2.5 hours can enhance endurance and mental clarity.
  • Starting Strong:
    Pushing slightly harder at the start, while maintaining control, can help secure a better position and save time on narrow trails. This early effort needs to be balanced to avoid early fatigue.
David Garcia, Arduua Coach

How Arduua Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

Katinka’s Race Review with David showcases how personalized coaching can make a difference in achieving your trail running goals. Whether you’re preparing for a local trail race or aiming for something as challenging as the Trail Valle de Tena, Arduua’s coaches provide tailored training plans, pre-race strategies, and post-race reviews to ensure continuous improvement.

Ready to take your trail running to the next level? Join our global community of trail runners and benefit from our expert coaching programs!

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Blog by Katinka Nyberg, Arduua Founder

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