Åre Trail Tour Seat 24K Mountain 2018
Åre Trail Tour took place in Åre on 28-30 September when the mountains showed off in the most beautiful autumn colors.
The contests were organized in conjunction with Åre Autumn Market, which means that there were plenty to do for the whole family …
Here is my race, Seat 24k Mountain
SEAT 24k Mountain is a track with 1223 m in vertical that stretch and runs in varied terrain around “Åreskutan” with start and finish in Åre city.

Start at 10:00
The race started at Åre city 10:00 in the morning. It’s a small race with about 120 participants (that all seemed to be very fit).

Tott via Trollstigen
The track goes up to “Tott” via “Trollstigen”. Although it’s uphill all participants seems to run quite fast and I’m lagging behind already.

Track 213 up to Sadeln
It’s only the beginning of the race, but me and a couple of others felt that we had to walk now in order to make it all the way through.

On the way up to Sadeln I caught a nice view of Åreskutan.

Towards Björnen
Then the race goes down into the slalom slopes towards Björnen and continues on the winter track towards Fröå.

Cross Fröån
On the way to Fröa you have to cross Fröån. Count on to get wet.

First food and drink stop 9 km
First food and drink stop almost passing Byxtjärn. Tank you guys helping out during the race serving food and drinks, I quess it was quite cold standing waiting.

Towards the cold
I’m running towards the cold and it’s getting quite windy. The field I’m running on is mildew, muddy, wet and ice cold.

Getting closer to the cold
It’s getting closer to the cold now and it’s time to put on the recommended safety equipment, warm jacket, gloves and windstopper pants.

Getting closer to Lillskutan
It’s getting closer to the cold and Lillskutan. About 15 km done and soon I will get to the second food and drink stop.

Just before it was time to climb over Lillskutan I was so glad ta have a cup of warm drink on the second foodstop at 16k. Thanks a lot again you guys that were standing there in the cold waiting,
A tough climb up to Lillskutan
It was very tough up there. Very cold and windy with lots of snow. I had a hard time keeping my eyes open for all the “spiky” snow . Sometimes it was even hard to spot the next red flag, and there were no other runners in sight. I couldn’t imagine what would have happend if I was to get lost up there with clothing adapted for autumn running, and not for winter cold.

Almost there
Running downhill the mountain back the way we came from “Trollstigen” felt good. The weather was getting better and better as closer I got to Åre city. Fantastic view by the way.

Goal in Åre city
Finally I made it on the time 4:47. Not a very good time, but I did pulled it through, and there were about 20 people that decided not to go through all the way and left the race just before it was time to climb Lillskutan.

Summary of the race
It was very tough up there, but also a fantastic experience that wouldnt wanna be without.
Next year I’m on it again but with a better time. My goal for next year is 3.5 hours.