My Mountain Marathon Training Online Program – Week 7
Back home again after a stunning week at Madeira running in the mountains.
The week at Madeira was so great! Both the Skyrace and all the trailrunning the week after, but I can feel now that my body is tired and that this will be a training week of rest and recovery.
Training status – Fitness chart
Each month my coach Fernando will show me a my fitness progress in a fitness chart.
Blue line means my fitness. Pink line is the fatigue that each workout produces in my body, and the yellow line is the state of rest.
The right combination between fatigue and rest makes your fitness go up, but we also have to control fatigue to avoid overtraining.
This month I have gone from earning 20 points to a level of 30 points CTL fitness.
With my my plan, making all the trainings, I can get arround 45-50 points CTL, which will allow me to run distances between 35-50 Kilometers. And this should be enough to make it through my big goal in August, “Buff, Bydalens Fjällmaraton 50k / 2900 D+ “.
Here you can see a link in English where this chart is explained.

If you haven’t read part 1, I recommend starting with that one…
My Mountain Marathon Training Online Program – Week 1
This is week 7 of my online training with Fernando…
Training week 7
12 June to 18 June
Rest day
Trailrunning uphils
Instructions from coach:
Trail running Uphills Zone 4. Downhills and flats recovering in zone 2-3.
- Try to keep your back in linea with the body
- You can start practising with your poles to recover well the legs from madeiras week.
- Keep a good breathing sequence
- Keep intensity along the whole uphill
Distance: 9 km, Gain: 858 m, Loss: 845 m
Total time: 2:00
Comment: I was very tired all session still recovering from Madeira.
Stretching multisport 20 minutes.
GYM – Base 2 Strength CXM
- Lunges split with kettlebells 3*12
- Chest press 2 min
- Seated row machine 2 min
- Pull down machine 2 min
- Dead lift 3*12
- Glutes, hip trhust one leg
- Elastic bands, descendina of arms pull down with elbows extended
- Core foot to foot crunch
Total time: 1 :10
Comments: Still very tired from Madeira week.
Rest day
Rest day
Easy run
Workout Details:
- Easy run zones 1 – 2
15 min @ 155 bpm
Zone 2: Aerobic - Repeat 3 times
- Hard
1 min @ 182 bpm
Zone 5A: SuperThreshold
Zone 5 - Easy
1:30 @ 146 bpm
Zone 1: Recovery
- Hard
- Cool down
5 min @ 155 bpm
Zone 2: Aerobic
Zone 1 and 2
Total time: 27 minutes
Comments: This session went quite well.
Functional training – whole body strength and mobility.
- Hips mobility, slide sideways, inside og thigs
- Hips mobility, lifts
- One leg squat, balance and strength
- Up on toes lean backwards, feet and thighs strength
- Flying plank sideways
Total time: 1 hour
Summary of the week
About 5 hours effective training time this week.
This has been a week of rest and recovery from Madeira and the trainings hasn’t been on top. It’s also harder now with the motivation when I got back home from Madeira. I’m used to run in thoese beautiful mountains and now a have to do laps in a small slalom slope.
Check out week 8…
Happy SkyRunning!
Name: Katinka Nyberg
Nationality: Swedish
Age: 45
Family: My husband Fredrik and my twins Tom & Matilda 8 years
Country/town: Stockholm, Sweden
Your team or sponsor now: SkyRunner
Occupation: Founder SkyRunner
Background: Entrepreneur in IT
Education: Backelor of science, IT
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