From amateur to professional
Going from a national amateur level of Skyrunning to an international professional level will not be easy. But who said it should?
Last year was definitely Snezanas year and she became the national Serbian champion in Skyrunning. This year she will take an even bigger step together with us at team SkyRunner and start racing on an international and professional level.
She will also be a part of team Arduua working with our Online Coaching helping runners all around the world to do this fantastic sport and teach them how to become faster.
In this series of blog posts, you can follow Snezana and take part of her very exciting journey.
Blog by Snezana Djuric and a continuation of the story…
When dreams come true
You have already read my previous blogs where I explained my beginnings in the running world. Since then I have made a lot of progress, and I have put a lot of work and effort into my training together with my coach here in Serbia.
Now is the time to take this even more seriously and move on to the next level.
That’s why I’m on the SkyRunner team. With my coach, and now with Skyrunner coach Fernando, I will work even more and better to make progress. Katinka is our big drive in all this and I am very grateful to her.
Results from our first meet up in Serbia
In the beginning of this year Fernando and Katinka came to Serbia to visit me.
We were together on mountain training, working on a training methodology and recharging our batteries for work, work and work.
We did some tests of strength, mobility and functionality which is very important in Skyrunning. The purpose of the tests was to check that I’m in good values, which I was and also to create material and a start-up methodology for the Arduua Online Coaching services.
Here you can see the videos from the tests that we did…
Our first joint mountain training
Our first joint mountain training was in Serbia, Kablar Mountain, and I’m very happy about that. When people work together, it is very important that they get to know each other and function as a team. On the mountain it works perfectly!
Fernando, as a trainer, observed our movements and behaviour on hills and downhill. We have all commented on what our strengths are and what our weaknesses are and what we need to work on.
After everything we did in a couple of days in Serbia, we collected impressions, agreed how we would work, made a plan for my and Katinka’s trainings and online trainings for people who want to progress and participate in Skyunning.
We will share with you photos and recordings of my workouts, strength and stretching exercises and be there to help anyone who wants to work with us.
For you, here are some shots for strength and better movement on the mountain that we did.
Definitely, runners need running training of course, but also strength and stretching training. It’s all part of the athlete’s successful work and progress.
Nothing happens overnight, work and effort always show results, with your will and with the coach.
I pass on my experience and my journey from amateur to professional. Remember my first blog, I had major breathing problems and never dreamed that I would be able to run this many miles.
And here I am now!
Over all plans for 2020
This year I want to move forward. As a Arduua team, we will be running races in Serbia, Sweden, Spain and Scotland together and I want to be ready for those races.
This is a wonderful opportunity to participate in world races where there are top world trail runners from which I can learn a lot. Also, on the team is Coach Fernando, who has experience with the skyrunners, so with his help and with my coach this year I will be working full time.
I also like to contribute to the skyrunner community with my work and motivate people who want to take part of the trail running.
If you like to join our team and come along and run with us in any of our races or camps you are super welcome. We are a mixed team and all levels of Skyrunners are welcome. Check out all our race trips more in details here We are also arranging a camp to Valle de Tena in Spain where I will participate as a host. You can read more about it here
My plans and goals for this year are also to be an important part of the whole team. My progress is really our progress!
Right now, we are working a lot on my acceleration. I didn’t do athletics as a kid, so I don’t have an athletic base. Now besides training on the hills and mountains, we do a lot of training on the athletic track. It’s a little bit tiring for me, I feel a bit tired because I do more training a day, which is more than I did before. But it will all come into place and show up later in the races. There are also strength and stretching training, which is of course a very important part of the whole process.
I’m focused on training and recovering after them. I have a great team with me, so it’s easier and I’m sure of all of us. It is very important to have professional and good people around you. It is an essential part of progress and my feeling. When you’re happy with the people you work with, it’s easier!
You will get more details about my training in next blog…
Let me help you with your training and become one of us! If there is anything you like to ask me please send me an e-mail to Snezana Djuric
/Snezana Djuric, Arduua Frontrunner
About Arduua
Arduuais worldwide community for all of us passionate Skyrunners, joining Skyrunner’s all over the world with the same value base and interest. Providing the best knowledge, tools and support for Skyrunning.
In our community you will be able to take part of and share inspiration and motivation all year round, and you will have access to all different types of Skyrunners, Coaches and Services.
We believe that Skyrunning is not just for the elites and that anyone can do it!
Take the step fully and join our super exciting adventures 2020. We offer everything from training camps, race trips and online coaching.
“Our vision is to inspire people all around the world, to reach their dreams, get what they want and run faster.”