At the top you need to save the moments
We all know what it means for professional athletes to be on top; to stand on the top step of the podium; to be at the top of the leader board; to cross the finish line first and break the tape; to reach the summit first.
However, for the majority of runners who are not professional, the top may not be about being first or fastest, but personal goals; run a half marathon, run a 50km, run 12 hours without a break etc.
When these personal goals are completed, you have reached your “top” right? Or have you just reached your top right now. You can always do better. You can always progress if you want it and you work on it. There are always new goals to chase, new tops to reach. So it’s important to enjoy your moments at the top, for a new top will come calling tomorrow!

The Top Belongs to The Mountain
What is important? The mountain peaks are not mine, they are not yours, they are not hers/his, I did not win the peak. The mountain just allowed us to be there. Those moments are memorable.
Skyrunning is a beautiful discipline and way of life. It challenges us, gives us amazing highs and deep lows, it engages our whole bodies physical and mentally, and it forces us to step out of our comfort zone and, by doing so, learn more of ourselves and our capabilities. Yet, it also keeps us humble; every time you go to the top, you have to come back down and return to the beginning!

From the bottom to the top and back
As skyrunners, we are used to various conditions; warm, cold, rain, snow, strong sun … we are used to uphills and downhills, we are used to going up and down, aren’t we? More precisely, we always climb to the top and we return to the beginning. That’s the thing. What is specific about mountains is that when you look at the mountain from a distance, from the bottom it looks so impressive. When you go to the top, that road is hard, tiring, and it hurts sometimes, but you know why you go up? Because the view from the top is even more beautiful! And it gives strength, a good feeling, recharge the batteries.
And of course, we’re going back down … because why? Well, we’re skyrunners, so we’re going up again! And again, and again …

There are many mountains, and there are many peaks in the world. Some we will reach and some we will not, some we will see from afar, and some we will never see because they are not close to us. And that’s ok, but remember to savour the moments at the top, no matter what your top is. Save those moments! J
/Snezana Djuric, Arduua Frontrunner